Home.Diary.Results.Lessons.Links.What is Trec?.Contact Us.

Trec Lincolnshire is an active TREC focused club affiliated to TREC GB. We run training and competitions throughout Lincolnshire.

If you would like something to be take place near where you live or keep your horse, or somewhere else that you know of that you think would be suitable, the best thing to do is let us know and help to organise the event.  

If anybody has any concerns about whether a training event will be suitable for you, you can ask. If you give us enough time we can often tweak things to enable you to participate - for example shorter but more technical POR route, accommodating young or difficult horses, etc. For competitions we can't do nearly so much, but for club training the sky is the limit to helping people take part.

If you have any special requests please email




The application form can be completed online.


Next event

8th - 9th June 2024  Summer Competition, Little Limber Grange

Previous events

Read reviews of training days and competitions

Click here for more information

See Diary page for links to schedules and entry forms


Entries open for

8th - 9th June 2024  Summer Competition, Little Limber Grange

2023-24 Membership Year




All horses must be fully vaccinated to attend our events

In exceptional circumstances, and only where the shortage prevents a booster from being administered within the required 12-month timeline, the horse’s booster date may extend to 15 months. These horses must have their passports marked and signed by their vet to document the delay and identify the new booster due date which must be within 15 months of the previous booster.


TrecGB information regarding vaccinations here

Reward Points


    01/10/23 – 30/09/24



Have a look at the club clothing we now offer and break the fashion mould with our fetching polo shirts, gilets and jackets!


Club Clothing


Club Clothing Order Form


Lessons available

Click Here!


Map Marking Practice Club

An opportunity to hone your map marking skills over winter

See diary page for more information

Reward Points

Registered Charity 1197093